
The Teleport makes the learning environment accessible for everyone, giving children the same opportunities as their peers no matter their circumstances

Example Applications:

  • Students with extended absences will be able to attend lessons and socialize with their classmates
  • Students in remote areas have the opportunity to access resources in urban classrooms
  • Children with disabilities have access to the educational resources they deserve
  • People of all ages are able to visit museums and historical attractions around the world

Adjustable height allows the user to comfortably interact with someone standing or sitting, as well as examine objects at many levels

Forward and downward facing cameras, as well as ultrasonic sensors, significantly improve the ability to control the Teleport in tight and sensitive spaces

The loud speakers, designed to match human volume, allow the user to be a part of any conversation or activity

If you are interested in learning more about the Australian educational landscape and where the Teleport can assist in the industry, please download the report attached below.

Download Education Report