
The Teleport supports many applications in the healthcare space as it connects patients to healthcare professionals and their families in a way that feels more natural and independent

City of Melbourne/ That Startup Show /Photographer Wren Steiner

Example Applications:

  • Check in remotely on elderly or ill family members
  • Consult with medical professionals in distant urban centres
  • Provide social experiences for ill and immobile family members
  • Train medical practitioners without the time and cost of travel

Adjustable height allows the user to comfortably interact with someone standing, sitting, or lying in a bed

Forward and downward facing cameras, as well as ultrasonic sensors significantly improve the ability to control the Teleport in tight and sensitive spaces

Control the Teleport via computer or Android smartphone for the ability to check in remotely whenever the need arises

If you are interested in learning more about the Australian healthcare landscape and where the Teleport can assist in the industry, please download the report attached below

Download Healthcare Report